Adult Beginner Burlesque Dance | MON 7.40


Re-enrol in our Beginner Adult Burlesque Dance Class at Dance Mount Isa!

Burlesque is a fun, sexy, and sassy way of expressing yourself through dance. It’s about feeling confident and strong while moving your body, and about learning new ways to empower and embrace yourself. Burlesque dance is an art form that can be interpreted in many ways – from traditional burlesque such as cabaret to a more modern twist that embraces your feminine side.

As an added bonus, we are also including heels dance into this class during term 3!

Our beginner adult burlesque dance classes at Dance Mount Isa will give you the opportunity to love movement and dance with a group of fun and like-minded women!

$129 for an 8 week course – classes are held at the Anglican Church Hall 7.40-8.40pm Monday evenings.


“You’ll love how you feel at Dance Mount Isa.”



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